Gold Jewelry & Ornament's.
Of Early Ireland.

The Tara Broach | Neck Ornament
Later Goldsmiths
Back to Itish Gold

Ceremonial Cloak Fastener.
Found in Clones County Monaghan Weighing 1 kg (2.2 lb)

Neck Ornament.
Found in Co Clare in the early 1900's.

The Tara Broach.

Discovered on the beach at Bettystown Co Meath in 1850, it is justifiably described as the most sumptuous piece of jewelry produced in Europe in the eighth century, and represents the zenith of the goldsmiths craft of the period.


The Goldsmith's Craft

From a later age.

The "Burton Broach" below was made in Dublin from Wicklow gold and emeralds, by craftsman Edmund Johnson working for jewelers West and Son in . It was given as a gift to actress Helen Faucet for her portrayal of Antigone who forms the centre and right of the broach with her Greek heroin's brother Creon on the left. And all enmeshed by a serpent representing Cadmus, the founder of Thebes. The name Burton Broach comes from its designer Frederick William Burton.

The broach is on display in the in the National Museum of Dublin, and testifies to the supreme craftsmanship of which Mr. Johnson was capable