Traditional Irish Music.
O'Neill's Music of Ireland.

On this page is a list of traditional tunes of Ireland, the list was originally compiled by Captain Francis O'Neill (1848-1936) O'Neill was born in Tralibane near Bantry, County Cork his family emigrated to America. O'Neill had a great love of Irish traditional music, during his career in The Chicago Police he collected a vast number of Irish tunes from immigrants passing through the city. Without the contribution made by Francis O'Neill the store of Irish traditional music carried only in the recollection of those countless Irish Immigrants would have been lost to posterity for ever.

Traditional Irish Tunes.

Cahill's Courtship
Callahan's Reel
Cameronian Reel
Camptown Races
Captain Kelly's Reel
Captain O'Clery's Fancy
Captain O' Kane
Captain O'Neill
Careless Love
Caroline O'Neill's Hornpipe
Casey The Whistler
Castle Donovan
Castle Island
Catherine Nowlane
Cat In The Corner
Charley The Prayermaster
Charlie Stewart
Cherish The Ladies
Chief O'Neill's Favorite
Child Of My Heart
Clark's Hornpipe
Clarkson's Reel
Clock In The Steeple
Cloone Hornpipe
Coey's Hornpipe
College Groves
Colonel Fraser
Colonel Hopkins
Colonel Rodney
Come In From The Rain
Comely Jane Downing
Come Now Or Stay
Come To The Bottlehouse
Come To The Dance
Come Upstairs With Me
Coming From The Wedding
Coming Over The Hills
Con Casey's Jig
Condon's Frolics
Considine's Grove
Corney Drew's Hornpipe
Courting Them All
Courtney's Favorite
Crabs In The Skillet
Craig's Reel
Cronin's Rambles
Cuckoo's Nest
Cumberland Gap

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