For Weddings in Ireland.

Organizing A Blessing.

What Is A Blessing.

A blessing is a short religious ceremony that takes place after an official marriage ceremony, some couples would opt for a blessing after a civil service. A blessing is not legally binding it is a means of adding a spiritual dimension to a relationship which may consist of mixed faiths, and of course is symbolizes the strength of love and commitment to each other.

A blessing normally consists of a reading, a song or hymn and a prayer, there are no hard and fast rules regarding music you can have traditional wedding music, or if you have any music that is special to you there shouldn't be a problem about using it, although it would have to be agreed with the officiate.

Types Of Blessing.

A blessing doesn't necessarily have to be religious in nature, you can formulate one to suit your own particular situation and faith. It can take place anywhere you choose.

Some couples who have been married for some time choose to reaffirm their commitment with a blessing, they may have experienced a particularly tough patch, or may come together again after a period of separation.

If you decide on a formal religious blessing, you must get your priest or minister to perform it. It is usual for it to take place in the church.

If the bride is not escorted into the venue by her father, the bride and groom will enter together.

For interfaith couples it is often a problem to placate the demands of both religions. A good compromise is for the couple to be married in one religion and have a blessing in the other.

The Catholic church forbids divorcees to remarryin church. Divorced Catholics often marry in a registry office and have a blessing later in the church. You are not limited as to when you can have a blessing but it is usual for it to happen shortly after the service.

A separate blessing is not usually performed if you are getting married in church, if you would like to have a blessing you should talk to your minister.

If you plan a civil ceremony it is often not possible to accommodate all your guests at the registry office. Having a blessing later at another venue gives the opportunity for all your guests to be involved in your wedding.

Finally if you decide on a blessing, you will need to talk to the person you wish to perform it, they should be a recognized official of your church or tradition. A blessing is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your individuality.

See our page listing some wedding blessings and readings.